$186.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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The Whole Enchilada

Use code BURN to get 50% off!


You will be getting.....


Five Digital Courses: 

  1. Life by Design - chart reading basics)
  2. Quantum Calibration  -embodying your design
  3. Patterns of Prosperity - heal your relationship to money using human design and gene keys
  4. The Nine Shadows of Abundance - clearing specific money sabotaging patters
  5. Big Sacral Energy - 28 lessons and experiments for generators and mani-gens 


Seven Masterclasses:

  1. Codewriting - copywriting and communication according to your design
  2. Codes to Cash - make more money as an online coach
  3. Soul Signed - branding and creative expression using human design
  4. Self Centered - connection charts and relationships by design
  5. be your own niche - identifying your niche and ideal client 
  6. magnetism - the art of attraction and becoming magnetic
  7. money blocks - money manifestation, deconditioning, and attraction 


Reference Resources:

  1. Financial Freedom Framework - 50 page ebook on the energetics on money and money manifestation 
  2. The marketing blueprint - spice up your marketing language
  3. Decoded - easy access to all my interpretations of the gates, channels, planets, profiles, and more
  4. Energetic Resume complete guide - 200+ page master document of the Energetic Resumes 



I am about to retire all of these offers.


They are AMAZING products, and I have poured my heart and soul into creating them.


And I have been teaching from the same angle and method for a few years now and I am bored!


As a manifesting generator I get bored when it is time to start a new phase.


My intuition is saying this next phase will be more powerful and potent if I cut ties with these offers.


This bundle is highly, highly, discounted so that you can snag everything before it goes away!







***all sales are final