Your soul is calling on you to claim your true power


The best coaches are the ones who embody all the things that they teach.


The best guides are the ones who are confident in their skills, presence, and abilities.


In order to truly become the coach you are designed to be you must first be the student of the journey.


The Sacred Success Coaching Certification is not simply a few videos to teach you how to ask better questions.


It is the initiation process of your true purpose.


This Coaching Certification teaches you how to bring the elements of Human Design and 
Gene Keys into every aspect of your business.


With your clients, courses, and creations.


As well as how you show up, work, and operate.



Snag your spot!

A few years ago I was fully living in my shadows

I was frustrated, forcing everything, and mad that nothing was working.


No matter what I tried, nothing ever went how I desired it to go.


I knew I was meant to have an incredible impact on the world and I was determined to heal whatever I needed to heal in order to step into this purpose.


When you are truly determined to live in your purpose you don't give up, no matter what life throws at you.


You use that determination to face your challenges, fears, and objections head on and you defend your intuitive decisions.


Human Design gave me the tools to finally step into my purpose and become who I am designed to be.


The reason your perfect strategy isn't getting your clients the same results is because everyone has different energetic talents.



Over the next nine months you have the opportunity to be completely reborn as the woman you are truly designed to be.


You see, this container is not just about learning how to interpret your human design chart (although you will become REALLY good at that).


This program is a nine month immersion in a whole new world of energy, wisdom, alignment, and higher frequencies.


This container is helps you find your own unique place within the collective.


Your aligned life and business should be designed to compliment your energy


You are unique and your version of success is also unique.


Human Design is the blueprint to your energy.


Reading this for a client is a sacred experience.



You interpret their soul.

You introduce them to their highest potential.


And that is sacred.

The content in this program is beyond what words can describe and somehow the energetic transformation is even more profound.

Snag your spot!

Life by Design

Learn what Human Design is and get familiar with how it all works.


Topics Covered:


The anatomy and Physiology of HD

The five types and strategies

The seven Authorities

The nine centers and their expressions

Subtle chart influences


Astrological influences 


The 64 gates 

Circuitry and channels

Business by Design

Learn how your design impacts your ability to thrive in business.


Topics Covered:


Business and Program Charts

Offer creation 

Coaching skills 

Shadow charts

Connection charts

Team dynamics

Magnetic Marketing

Soulful Sales

Sustainable Scalability

Hiring a team


Manifestation by Design

Learn about manifesting money through your soul purpose.


Topics Covered: 


Unlocking your Genius

The art of Reception 

The money triangle

Manifestation by design 

Money blocks 

The keys to abundance 

Unlocking your magnetism

Incarnation crosses 

Inner child work 

Primary Relationships

Your Support System


In order to maintain the Unconditional Support I desire to provide you in this program I have hired several SSCC graduates to help me support you.


There will be a multitude of ways to access support from me, my team, and SSCC graduates.


These support coaches were hand selected by me as women who embody their designs, are confident in this material, and who have the energetic capacity and desire to help bring this work to others.


You will have access to an abundance of support from myself, my team, and the SSCC graduates.

Snag your spot!

Content Breakdown

This program is broken down into THREE LEVELS. Each level contains Six modules that each cover a certain topic within the human design system. In total, you will get 18 Modules of content over the 9 month period.

These modules will be released on a bi-weekly basis and will include: 

  • Between 6-19 videos 
  • A textbook chapter (both physical and digital)
  • A Quizlet deck for study purposes
  • A short Quiz
  • The slide deck 
  • A workbook chapter 


In addition to the content within each module you also have:

  • Graded assignments to earn your certification 
  • 30 Live chart reading workshops (that will be recorded)
  • Access to the Gates Library (with a video on every single gate)
  • 9 Monthly Q&A Calls 
  • Personalzied feedback on assignments 
  • A facebook support group to ask questions 
  • an FAQ bonus library 
  • A group chat where you can just talk out loud
  • Pre-work that includes identifying your learning style and what resources you should try 



I know what you are thinking. 


That is a LOT of content!!


And you are correct! It is a lot of content. However, you are not required to use every single piece of content in this container.


One of the main reasons why I have made so many resources is that everyone learns and absorbs information differently.


Human Design is the SCIENCE of differentiation - and yet it is only being taught a few ways.


Everyone absorbs information differently and this is the only program I have seen that takes different learning styles so seriously.


The content in this program will start teaching you how to align by first teaching you how to learn.


Snag your spot!

The Certification

This is a coaching certification program where you will earn your rights to become an Intuition Lifestyle Reccomended Reader.


This is an OPTIONAL portion of the program where you can submit assignments throughout the program and be added to my list of recommended readers and coaches. 


If you desire to teach any of this content in your programs or use what you have learned in this program I request that you submit the assignments to obtain the certification.

This way I can ensure that you are sharing and providing accurate information that is both unique and accurate.

Snag your spot!

Because I value inclusivity I will be offering 5 scholarships to this program.

Because I value the energetic exchange these scholarships will be for 50% off of the program.


These scholarships positions will require an application. Even at 50% off this is still a large investment.


The purpose of this scholarship is to provide people who may not otherwise have this opportunity access to an incredible program.


Due to the high interest in this program I request that you only apply for this scholarship if you can commit to the 50% price of this program (up to 12 months). 


I also request that you only apply for this if you would be completely unable to pay the full value of this program any other way.



Please email me ([email protected]) with a video (preferably a link not a video file) including the following information: who you are, what you do, why you believe you deserve this scholarship, and why you want this scholarship.

In addition to the video please also send a copy of your human design chart.


Deadline for the applications is 1/30/21

Hello! My name is Eden Carpenter

I am a 6/2 Emotional Manifesting Generator.


In the past few years I have been blending my traditional Nursing Education with my personal understanding of Human Design and Gene Keys to radically shift my life and the lives of my clients.


At 24 I have created a globally recognized brand and helped thousands of people discover their purpose. In the process I have scaled my business to multiple-six-figures in revenue in just two years.


Through my journey with these systems I found that my genius is in my ability to teach complex energetic topics in simple terms.


It is my unique gift to understand this complex language and be able to translate it into actionable steps.


I know how to apply this to life, business, shadow work, coaching, marketing, sales, abundance, manifestation, and so much more.


In this program I will teach you all the things I understand about applying Human Design and Gene Keys to business, manifestation, and abundance.


And then you can bring this information to your own work and purpose.

Snag your spot!


How the program works


This program is spread out over nine months.


You will have a private login where you will be able to access all the course content including videos, recordings, textbooks, slides, calendars and more.


Every other week there will be new content in your library.


Every month there will be three chart reading workshops to practice this information as well as a group Q&A call. All of which will be recorded and added to your course portal.


For every day support you will have the option to join Study Groups via Voxer. Each of these Study Groups will be grouped together by type (so non-sacral types don't get too overwhelmed with a giant group chat). This will be facilitated by one of your Support coaches along with myself to answer any pressing questions you have. This is also a place you can schedule peer to peer study sessions and talk out an "Am I understanding This Correctly?!" (AIUTC) to get instant feedback from your group.


For larger questions, anything you want to refer back to, start a class wide discussion about, or add pictures/videos to there will be a facebook group as well. We will regularly run threads to check in, see if anyone has questions, practice interpretations and connect with each other.  After you graduate the program you will STILL have access to this group.


If you want to become a Recommended 

Reader and use this content for your clients:



In order to use the concepts, strategies, and information you learned in this program with your clients and in your programs or offers you are required to earn your Certification.

I have poured my heart and soul into this work and want to make sure that anyone sharing these concepts has a complete and accurate understanding of them. 

I have partnered with The Aura Market to give you all an Exclusive SSCC bundle!!


The creator of this brand happens to be an SSCC graduate herself and is changing the game with her high quality HD merch!


As a student of this program you will be able to purchase an exclusive bundle that contains HD stickers, a keychain for your unique HD type, and two of the most amazing note-pads so you can study with style!

The FIRST 20 people who enroll in SSCC will get the bundle as a gift from me!!

Snag your spot!

In Full


  • Lifetime access to all the course content (400+ resources) and all future updates
  • Unconditional Support for Nine Months 
  • The opportunity to become a Recommended Reader
Snag your Spot!

Two Monthly Payments


  • Lifetime access to all the course content (400+ resources) and all future updates
  • Unconditional Support for Nine Months 
  • The opportunity to become a Recommended Reader
Snag your Spot!

Four Monthly Payments


  • Lifetime access to all the course content (400+ resources) and all future updates
  • Unconditional Support for Nine Months 
  • The opportunity to become a Recommended Reader
Snag your Spot!

Nine Monthly Payments


  • Lifetime access to all the course content (400+ resources) and all future updates
  • Unconditional Support for Nine Months 
  • The opportunity to become a Recommended Reader
Snag your Spot!