Undefined Ego Center

The undefined ego center means that you have inconsistent access to your willpower. Your desires shift and change, along with your concept of self worth and personal value. You get to experience self worth in an unlimited amount of ways, and sometimes that means that you do not feel worthy at times. You are innately worthy because you are, even if you don’t feel like you are. You are not designed to force things to get done; you are designed to allow your desires to flow to you in divine timing. Be aware of the promises that you make to others. You may promise lots of things and then feel like you are a failure if you aren’t able to force yourself to keep your promises. Only make the promises that feel good to you to keep. Give yourself grace, and, if possible, utilize other motor centers for the energy to accomplish and get things done. 

When this center is undefined, you may feel that the one thing that you need to be successful is the sense of feeling worthy of having success. You have the tendency to put worthiness and discipline between you and your desires. You are still capable of accomplishing things without consistent force. If you are relying solely on willpower to get things done, you will easily burnout and get sick. Nobody is designed to make everything happen out of pure willpower. The trick for you is allowing your desires to flow. From a manifestation perspective, you are worthy because you are, and you get to receive because you do. For you, the sense of worthiness and willpower are not your responsibility. These are things that you surrender to the universe and let someone else take care of.


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