Around 47% of the population has an undefined root center. When you are alone, you are relaxed and unbothered and can live life at your own pace. The problems begin when you are sucked into the vortex of the outside world and start to experience stress that your center is not designed to handle. You feel pressure and stress from the outside world, not as an internal drive. You don’t have consistent access to the adrenaline needed to carry you through the tasks you need to complete. You might be known for procrastinating or for doing things at the last minute, because to do things you need pressure to accomplish them and for you, this doesn’t come from inside of you but outside. So having someone around you with this center defined, or finding stress from a fast approaching deadline, helps to give you the momentum that you need to accomplish certain tasks.
To turn this into impassive wisdom, you need to recognize when pressure is coming at you but note that it is not YOUR pressure, so remain calm, and stay centered and true to yourself. If you are constantly getting wrapped up in the stress of others, you’ll end up exhausting your adrenal glands. So learn to be watchful, find tranquility, and practice meditation in life with nature.
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