For a human design chart, what do you do if you do not know your specific birth time?
It's really common in this world to be told that you need your exact birth time because there are a lot of things that change very, very quickly in your human design chart. The planets move similar to hands on a clock through the different astrological signs, through the different gates, and that's how definition is created in the body graph. That specific time is really important because something...
We are going to be discussing nervous system regulation and embodying abundance. In order to have this conversation, I think that we need to talk about trauma a little bit, and what nervous system regulation and dysregulation is. What are the signs? What are the symptoms? What happens? Essentially what we're looking at is your nervous system. Specifically, we're looking at primarily the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for your fight or flight responses. It's the automatic...
Many women, myself included, have had to rely on primarily masculine energy to make money. Assertiveness, independence, strength, and grit have been the skills required in order to achieve financial success for a long time. So we adapted to our environment and learned these skills. We became independent, assertive, and strong enough to push ourselves far beyond our comfort zones and maintainable capacities. However, I am here to burst your ambitious bubble and tell you that hustle can only...
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