Here we are getting into a very rare percentage of projectors known as mental projectors. A mental projector will have any combination of the throat center, ajna center, and head center combined. This means they can have all three or just two, and they are still a mental projector. Because nobody is designed to make decisions from their minds, these individuals need to get their decisions outside of them so they can analyze and observe it. This way they can pick up on how the decision interacts with different things externally, so they are not caught up in their minds and allowing their mental awareness interfere with their decision making process. One center we are going to specifically look at here is the G center. This center is the location of the magnetic monopole, a one way magnet that pulls to you what is aligned for you. When this center is undefined the individual will be geomagnetic. Geomagnetic means that the magnetic properties of an individual are dependent on the environment that they are in. When the G center is undefined, the environment that this individual is in will affect the decision. This means that anyone with this center undefined, specifically our mental projectors, need to be very intentional about where they go to process and make decisions.
Mental projectors are one of the three authorities that do need to wait to make a decision. While most of the authority types are designed to make decisions in the moment, emotional authorities, environmental authorities, and lunar authorities need time. This means that there can be some conditioning around wanting to make snap decisions. Our society praises decisive individuals who can make decisions quickly. For our mental projectors, the environment that they make decisions in drastically affects their choices. If they are in the wrong environment and pressured to make a decision quickly, they will very likely make the wrong decision. Being in the right space is extremely important for our environmental authorities. And again, being cautious of the influences of other people on your decision making process is key. All those open centers can pick up on a lot of different voices from the people you are with, and this can also lead to inauthentic decisions.
Making Identity Decisions
The environmental authority is also sometimes known as a sounding board authority. These individuals need to get the decision out of them and into an aligned environment, so that they can observe and process the choices. It is important that these individuals have adequate time to go to the correct place and process this decision in their own timing. The sounding board authority tends to show up as “talking it out”. These individuals do well when they have a trusted friend, family member, or coach that they can talk at. They are not looking for advice or opinions; they genuinely need to just talk at someone to hear themselves process the decision. The other person acts as a sounding board. These individuals can read the energy of others very easily and effortlessly. When they talk at someone, they can intuitively see how the other individual receives the information. They can also see and observe the language they are using, the time of their voice, and the inflections that are happening in their language. This allows them to analyze and better understand how they actually feel. It is very important that this conversation happens in the correct environment. Typically, this is a clean, minimalistic space with room to breathe. If you are an environmental authority and you feel foggy, clean your space. Having a clean environment will help you to bounce your thoughts off of someone more clearly.
Small Decisions
There are two major components of making a decision for an environmental authority. First, is the location of the decision. This should be a priority. Being in the correct space with the correct people is vital in being able to find the aligned decision. Next, is the conversation. These individuals do best when they can talk it out. Now, it can feel a little strange to talk out what you want for lunch, especially if you live alone, but processing the decision out loud will be powerful. Even if you are talking to your dog about what you want on your sandwich, you will feel more clear with your decision than if you process it in your head. Even for small decisions, you may need more time than other people. That is okay, that is normal, and that is something you get to inform other people of. This is a way that the world around you can support your alignment, by giving you the time and space to make even the smallest decisions your own way. If you are with a group of people and the decision really has no consequences, allow yourself to process out loud. A simple statement of “Let me process this” or “I need to talk to myself for a minute” can calm your nerves and allow the people you are with to support your processing. If the environment doesn’t feel good to you, step away. Move to a different area, go outside for a minute, change the environment so that you can think clearly.
Big Decisions
For big decisions that feel like they have bigger consequences, you will want to set yourself up for success. Again, we are dealing with two major components here: your location and your person. If this is a big, potentially life altering decision, find your person and invite them to the right environment. This can look like asking your significant other to go on a walk with you so that you can talk something out. It might be asking your sister to lunch at your favorite café so that you can talk something out. When you find your person, or multiple people, you begin to rely on, and allow, your environment to support your alignment. It is important to remember that the people who love you will never see you as a burden, and being a part of your decision making process is an intimate honor for them. Oftentimes environmental authorities can feel like they are a burden to others, needy, or clingy. This is not true! You were given a specific set of energetic gifts to work with. This means that you were also given the correct people in your life to support you as well. As a projector, you are very likely someone who gives advice and guidance more often than you receive it. So, don’t be ashamed or afraid of asking for the support you need.
When making these big decisions, it is also important to give yourself permission to have the conversation that you need. Sometimes the first conversation may not give you clarity. You may have the wrong person or the wrong environment, and that is okay! If you don’t feel clear after talking it out, try again in a different location or with a different person. This is why you need time and space to come to an aligned decision for yourself! You need to talk it out and have the correct conversation in order to find your truth. Honor this.
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