Lunar Authority

The last and most rare type of authority is the lunar authority. Only one human design type can have this authority, and that is reflectors. Reflectors will have no centers defined in their charts; all will be undefined. They still have 26 defined gates like everyone, but the combination of gates will not form any channels and will not define any centers. Think back to the example of the board meeting where all of the centers come together to make a decision. Reflectors have no defined centers which means every single decision can feel like an entirely new board of individuals coming together to make a decision. This inconsistency on the inside leads to reflectors needing to rely on outside forces for guidance and consistent advice. Here, we tune into the lunar cycle and the cycle of influence that reflectors experience so deeply.


The lunar cycle lasts 28 days, and this is what leads to the reflector strategy and authority being to wait a full 28 days for the moderate and big decisions. This waiting allows the reflector to observe for consistent feelings through all phases of the lunar cycle. Essentially through this process, they are looking for the patterns of how they react and how they are influenced throughout the month. What they will realize with time is that certain times of the lunar cycle will influence them differently. They may feel extremely excited and energized during the new moon, and find they have lower energy levels during the full moon. If they do not wait, their initial excitement can cause them to jump into things that they are later disappointed with. 


 Making Lunar Decisions

In a similar fashion to the environmental authority, reflectors have an open G center. This means they are also very geomagnetic. The environment and community that surrounds a reflector heavily influences their decision making process. In a similar manner to the environmental authorities, reflectors can also utilize the strategy of talking it out with a trusted group of people in the correct environment. If the reflector doesn't feel the clarity, they should wait, continue to explore the options, and trust that the answers will come. Searching for answers with a frantic energy can be a non-self theme for reflectors. Remember, they have both pressure centers open and there can be a pressure to not only make decisions quickly, but also to find answers and strategies to their decision making process. 


Small Decisions

When you first learn about the lunar strategy of waiting a full 28 days to make a decision, it can be a little confusing, especially when it comes to small decisions that don’t really have any negative consequences. Please, please, please do not wait a month to decide. If you are choosing a color for your nail polish, or what you want for lunch, it makes no sense to wait that long. Trust your intuition, trust the signals that you are receiving in each moment. When you know how your lunar cycle affects you, you can make educated guesses of what influence you may be experiencing. Using the same example earlier, if you have more energy during the new moon, you may find yourself more enthusiastic about saying “yes” to things. If you can say “yes” and complete them while still under that influence, trust that initial “yes”. If you are saying “yes” to something that will occur further away, be honest and say something like, “Right now it is a ‘yes’, but I will need to check in and see if I still have the energetic capacity for it closer to the date.” 

When you are in tune with this cycle, you can also determine what influences may affect your decisions. Maybe you are more likely to turn down things that you don’t truly want to turn down during a certain phase. Maybe you jump into initiating new business ideas routinely during a certain phase of the lunar cycle. You can learn to recognize these patterns and make more aligned decisions.


Big Decisions 

Big decisions, like life altering decisions, you should absolutely wait out the full lunar cycle. Expose yourself to the decision. If you are offered a new job, go to the location and see how the environment feels and affects you. Research the decision so you can expose yourself to as much of the factors related to the decision as possible. This exposure allows you to intuitively tune into the decision and really understand the situation. With your psychic and prophetic nature, you will be able to gain insight into what will potentially happen with exposure to the details of the decision. While this is an intuitive gift that you use effortlessly with the people you serve, it can sometimes be challenging to reflect on your own reflection. So look outward. Reflect and experience how this decision will affect your family, your loved ones, your team, your friends, and your community. You are a community-based individual who is designed to be the center of a community. You are not just deciding for yourself, you are deciding for your community. 

Waiting for a full lunar cycle will give you the ability to witness how you react to all the different influences. If 90% of the days throughout the lunar cycle your energy said “YES,” then follow that “yes”. If you felt foggy the entire time, address your conditioning and see if you can clear your energy and revisit the topic. To tune into your lunar cycle it is very important to be clear and open in your energetic field.


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