Podcast Episode 47 - Burning Down a $2M+ Business

Mar 06, 2023

I have some tea to spill for you. Oh my goodness. I am going to be real and transparent, and show you human design in real life.real life. If you want to know what it looks like to feel through a big, reckless decision as an emotional manifesting generator in business, or if you are just curious about what big shifts I am making in my business, this is for you. You probably already know the big news if you've been on my Instagram over the last couple of days. If you're reading this anytime...

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Podcast Episode 42 - How All That Self-Awareness Might Actually Be Keeping You Stuck

Jan 30, 2023

This is going to be a discussion on stuckness. I want to talk about stuckness because I had such a major breakthrough the other day when I was in a class for my RRT training. That's Rapid Resolution Therapy for anyone who is curious. I did a couple of sessions forever ago, and I enjoyed it. It's a really amazing healing modality that blends things like neurolinguistic programming and hypnosis to really get to the core of grief, of anger, of shame, of really big emotions that are blocking us...

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Podcast Episode 41 - Perfectionism and Self-Criticism

Jan 23, 2023

This is going to be a discussion about perfectionism and self-criticism. Perfectionism is a really major theme that I have dealt with in my life, and I think it goes hand in hand with opinions and self-criticism. In my perspective, what we're talking about from a human design lens, is gate 17 and gate 18. These are my north and south nodes. I have gate 17 defined three times in my chart, and I have gate 18 defined twice. Let me just talk about my experience with gate 17 and 18. 

Gate 17...

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Podcast Episode 39 - Generator (and Manifesting Generator) Plateau

Jan 09, 2023

I have a really exciting conversation to talk to you about today, and this is probably going to be kind of specific to manifesting generators and generators because I'm talking about sacral energy. We're talking about sacral responses and all things generator energy. But I think that if you're an undefined sacral being, I still think that this would be a fun conversation. Maybe you'll understand your generator people a little bit more or your conditioning a little bit more, and you'll...

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Podcast Episode 38 - How to Connect to Your Highest Self

Jan 02, 2023

This post has been a concept that I have been playing with for a while, and I had a moment a little while ago where I was able to share this concept with somebody who is one of just the most incredible and beautiful souls that I've ever met. Her name is Marian. I met her in Costa Rica, and she was part of the team that really guided us and held space for us as we went on our team retreat, and it was amazing. I was able to pass on this concept to her, and she brought it back up again when I...

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Podcast Episode 7 - How to Decondition and Integrate

Jun 02, 2022

After I released the integration block episode, I had a lot of people reaching out, and this is actually a question that I've been getting before that: the tangible examples for deconditioning centers and how do you actually decondition? How do you remove these patterns? How do you change your behaviors? How do you integrate something into your unconscious? That's the lesson that you're going to get, and that's the example that I'm going to share here is, the work that I have done over the...

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What is Human Design and How to Get Started Using It

Sep 18, 2021

What is human design 

Human Design is an esoteric system that uses the same calculation as astrology to provide you with a chart of how the planetary influences affect your behavior. This system combines astrology with several other frameworks of understanding to give a multi-dimensional look at how you show up in the world, what behavior patterns feel comfortable, and what behavior patterns will feel unfamiliar to you. Learning about your human design will help you in your journey of...

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