Podcast Episode 49 - Growing Without Demonizing Your Past Mistakes

Mar 20, 2023

I create things for people. I create courses. I create products. That's a big part of who I am. I've been trying to use this blog and podcast as a place where I create things. I create about specific topics, and it's searchable and organized conversations. I'm pretty sure that this just needs to be a place where I just brain dump and talk out loud about whatever it is that I'm going through and the human design lessons that I'm seeing, and it'll just turn into whatever conversation we need it...

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Manifesting Generators in Business

Nov 01, 2021

With manifesting generators, there is a beautiful combination of manifesting energy and generating energy. What you will see with manifesting generators is people who are here to build things, and also people who want to have multiple projects at once. Being able to play with all of these different options makes business feel more playful. With manifesting generators, one thing that will want to be avoided is having a strict schedule for them. 

Wealth for manifesting generators is going...

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How I Run My Business According to My Design

Oct 08, 2021

Running your business according to your energetic blueprint is an act of spiritual selfishness. Often times the choices you will find yourself making to align with your energy don’t make sense from a logistic standpoint. If you care about what other people think, then this can cause you to doubt what feels correct and choose the conventional path instead of facing your own discomfort and identity boundaries. This is spiritual because you have to constantly transcend your own limitations...

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