Podcast Episode 46 - The Energetics of Motivation

Feb 27, 2023

I want to talk about the energetics of motivation. I've been having some really beautiful conversations around getting started with an entrepreneurial journey, and it's had me reminiscing on my own journey. Welcome to the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey. I'm going to tell you a little bit of a story, and then we're going to talk about the energetics of motivation and some tips and tricks for getting things started and initiating change. 

As a manifesting generator with gate 34,...

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Podcast Episode 26 - Energetic Maintenance and Living by Design

Nov 09, 2022

We are going to discuss energetic maintenance and how to live by design. We're going to go through my chart, and I'm going to tell you all the things that I am currently doing and the ways that I am intentionally living according to my design. I think that it would be really helpful for you to see how this shows up outside of business, because the routines that I've put into place outside of business and in my everyday life are actually what support me in showing up in my genius and showing...

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Podcast Episode 4 - Watch Me Completely Reinvent Myself

Apr 28, 2022

I am so excited to talk to you about completely reinventing myself. I've done this a couple of times, where I have lots of change, new location, new environment, new friends, new friend group, new group of people, new everything. As someone with an undefined G center in my human design chart, and specifically because my undefined G center is such a big deal in my human design chart, I would say it's the biggest center for conditioning that I have to work through. It's a big deal, and as...

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Undefined G Center

Oct 21, 2021

The undefined G center can sometimes make you feel like you are all over the place. You have an ever changing concept of who you are and where you are going. You are not limited to playing a single role in this lifetime, and you will notice that you shift and adapt based on the people you are around and the environment that you are in. If you are in business you have probably noticed that your “I help ___” statement changed every other week. This is because you could be just about...

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