Podcast Episode 4 - Watch Me Completely Reinvent Myself

Apr 28, 2022

I am so excited to talk to you about completely reinventing myself. I've done this a couple of times, where I have lots of change, new location, new environment, new friends, new friend group, new group of people, new everything. As someone with an undefined G center in my human design chart, and specifically because my undefined G center is such a big deal in my human design chart, I would say it's the biggest center for conditioning that I have to work through. It's a big deal, and as...

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How to Embody Wealth Through Human Design

Nov 11, 2021

Working with your Human Design breaks down into two kinds of change: behavioral change and identity change. Read about the difference here. Changing one without the other can lead to results, but they likely won’t feel sustainable or consistent. Both are required for integration and long lasting results. Today we are focusing on identity work, specifically around money. The identity work can be applied to any area of your chart, but in this post we are looking at one area in particular....

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